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Google Drive Direct Link Generator

Google Drive Direct Download Link Generator

How to Use Google Drive Direct Link Generator 

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services that lets you store, share, and access your files from anywhere. Sharing your files through Google Drive requires a typical action from users: they have to go to the Google Drive interface and download the files. That's where the cool part is: would not it be awesome if you made a direct download link which would allow others to download the file with just one click? That's where Google Drive Direct Link Generator comes in handy!

Within this blog, we will take you through in detail what a Google Drive direct link is and how one is generated.

What is a Google Drive Direct Link?

A Google Drive direct link is a special URL that can bypass the viewer and forces direct download of the file. This saves time and makes it easier to access files without having to navigate through the Google Drive interface.

Why Use a Direct Link?

  • Convenience: He or she will not have to go through a view or preview of the file before downloading it.
  • Ease of access: The direct links eliminate extra steps; thus, it is easy for users to download files.
  • Large files friendly: If you share large files, a direct download link is way friendlier for any user.
  • Easy to integrate: You can input these links into an email, blog, or website with just one click.

How to Use Google Drive Direct Link Generator

Follow these simple steps to turn your Google Drive shareable link into a direct download link.

Step 1: Upload the File in Google Drive

  1. Open Google Drive.
  2. Click on the "New" button at the top left corner.
  3. Now click "File Upload" and select the file you want to upload.

Step 2: Create a Shareable Link

  1. After your upload is complete, right-click on the file and select "Get link."
  2. Make sure the link settings are set to "Anyone with the link" can view. If it's restricted, then change this by clicking the dropdown and selecting "Anyone with the link."
  3. Copy the generated link. It may look something like this: view?usp=sharing.

Step 3: Convert the Link Using Google Drive Direct Link Generator

It's time to convert this shareable link into a direct download link. You can do that either with the following formula or find any online direct link tool.

Using Online Tools

By using online Google Drive Direct Link Generator tools, you can skip the steps yourself. These automated tools will do the following for you:
  1. You copy the shareable link from Google Drive as mentioned above.
  2. You paste that in the generator tool.
  3. Click "Generate," and there it is-your direct download link.

Benefits of Using Direct Links

Using direct links comes in handy when, for example,

You want to share large-sized files with someone, such as videos, PDFs, or even software. You'd like to embed files into blogs, websites, or online courses. You are emailing files to a person where you don't want him to keep navigating through several clicks. It also enhances user experience and bypasses any probable issues from the interface of Google Drive that might occur.


1. Is it safe to use a direct download link for Google Drive?

Yes, but remember that you should not share such files containing sensitive information with untrusted people. Always check on the permission of the file before you share it.

2. Can I create a direct download link for folders?

Unfortunately, Google Drive doesn't support direct download links for folders. However, you can compress the folder into a .zip file and then share it as a single file.

3. Can I revoke a direct link after I shared it?

Yes, you can revoke access easily by changing permissions of the file or deleting it from your Google Drive.


Google Drive Direct Link Generator is fast and straightforward to provide direct download links that make the seamless process of file sharing. Be it work resources, files from school, or big media content-this way, it would be much easier for others to download your file.

With this tutorial, you'll learn how to make direct download links from Google Drive in no time!
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