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Naruto Season 4 Episodes Download HD | Naruto Hindi dub download

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Naruto season 4 hindi

Download Naruto Season 4 in Hindi for free from RareToonsIndia. Continue the action-packed journey of Naruto Uzumaki as he faces formidable foes, undergoes intense training, and forges unbreakable bonds with his friends. This season is full of thrilling episodes, all available with high-quality Hindi dubbing, offering an immersive experience for Hindi-speaking fans.

Anime Series Info:

  • Name: Naruto 2002
  • Season: 04
  • Language: Hindi – Tamil – Telugu – Malayalam – Bengali
  • Quality: (360p, 480p, 720p HD, 1080p FHD)

Naruto Season 4 Spoiler:

Naruto Season 4 marks a significant turning point in the series, focusing on Sasuke Uchiha's growing discontent and eventual departure from the Hidden Leaf Village. The season begins with the aftermath of the Chunin Exams and Orochimaru's failed invasion, but the village is still reeling from the losses and rebuilding its strength under the new Fifth Hokage, Tsunade.

Sasuke, increasingly frustrated by his inability to defeat his brother Itachi and feeling overshadowed by Naruto’s rapid growth, begins to distance himself from his teammates. His obsession with gaining power to avenge his clan drives him into a dangerous mindset. Orochimaru, aware of Sasuke’s vulnerability, sends his henchmen, the Sound Four, to tempt Sasuke with promises of greater strength if he joins them.

Meanwhile, Naruto continues to train and grow stronger under the guidance of Jiraiya and Tsunade. He also forms bonds with his fellow ninja, who are dealing with their own challenges. One of the key arcs of this season is the Search for Tsunade, where Naruto, Jiraiya, and Shizune embark on a mission to find and recruit the Fifth Hokage. However, the primary focus remains on Sasuke’s internal struggle and his interactions with Naruto and Sakura.

As Sasuke’s desire for power intensifies, he ultimately makes the painful decision to leave the village and seek out Orochimaru, believing that this is the only way to achieve his goal. This betrayal shocks Team 7, especially Naruto and Sakura, who consider Sasuke not just a teammate, but a close friend.

The latter part of the season centers on the "Sasuke Retrieval Mission," where Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, Choji, and Kiba form a team to bring Sasuke back to the village. The team faces off against the formidable Sound Four in a series of intense battles that test their skills, resolve, and loyalty to one another.

The season reaches its emotional climax with the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke at the Valley of the End. Despite Naruto’s desperate attempts to convince Sasuke to return, Sasuke chooses to sever his bonds with Naruto and the village, leaving to join Orochimaru. The season ends on a somber note, with Naruto vowing to bring Sasuke back no matter what, setting the stage for future conflicts and the deeper exploration of the bonds between friends and rivals.

Naruto season 4 episode Download

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