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Dr. Stone (Seasons 1-3 Specials 01 + 02 ) 1080p Dual Audio | Dr. STONE Hindi Dubbed Episodes

Dr. Stone, Dr. Stone: Stone Wars, Dr. Stone 2nd Season, Dr. Stone Second Season, Dr. Stone: Ryuusui Dr. Stone: Ryusui, Dr. Stone: Stone Wars – Kaisen
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download Dr. Stone All Season

Download all episodes of "Dr. Stone" from and embark on an epic journey through science and survival. Follow Senku Ishigami and his friends as they rebuild civilization after a mysterious event petrifies humanity. From the thrilling battles of the Stone Wars to the exploration of the New World, watch every episode of Season 1, 2, and 3, including the special episodes "Dr. Stone: Ryusui" and "Prologue to Stone Wars." Experience the wonders of science and adventure by downloading "Dr. Stone" today!

Anime Series Info

  • Name: Dr. STONE
  • Total Season: 03 and 2 specials
  • Total Episodes: 57
  • Release Year: 2019
  • Running time: 24min
  • Genres:  Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Language: Hindi, English, Japaneses 
  • Quality: (480p, 720p, 1080p)

Dr. Stone - Season 1 

In the year 5738 AD, thousands of years after a mysterious flash of light petrifies almost all human life, a brilliant teenage scientist named Senku Ishigami awakens from his stone shell. He quickly discovers that others have begun to awaken as well, and he sets out to rebuild civilization using his knowledge of science. With his friends Taiju Oki and Yuzuriha Ogawa, Senku embarks on a mission to bring back humanity from the Stone Age to modernity. However, they soon face opposition from Tsukasa Shishio, a powerful and idealistic youth who believes that only the strong should be revived. This season explores Senku's efforts to outwit Tsukasa and his journey to reintroduce humanity to the wonders of science.

Dr. Stone - Season 2 (Stone Wars) 

Season 2, titled "Stone Wars," focuses on the conflict between Senku's Kingdom of Science and Tsukasa's Empire of Might. As the two factions prepare for an inevitable war, Senku and his allies work tirelessly to develop new scientific advancements to gain an edge over Tsukasa's superior strength. The season highlights the strategies, inventions, and battles that unfold as both sides vie for control over the future of humanity. The tension reaches its peak as Senku unveils a plan to use science to defeat Tsukasa without unnecessary bloodshed, ultimately leading to a climactic confrontation.

Dr. Stone - Season 3 (New World) 

In Season 3, titled "New World," the Kingdom of Science sets sail to explore new territories in search of resources and to uncover the secrets behind the petrification event. Senku and his team journey across the seas to find answers that could change the course of their civilization. Along the way, they encounter new allies and adversaries, each with their own knowledge and ambitions. The season delves into the mysteries of the wider world and the true nature of the petrification, as well as Senku's ongoing mission to revive and advance humanity.

Special Episode 1: "Dr. Stone: Ryusui"

This special episode introduces Ryusui Nanami, a skilled navigator and captain, who plays a crucial role in the Kingdom of Science's voyage to explore the world. The episode focuses on the challenges the group faces as they prepare for their journey and highlights Ryusui's expertise in sailing and his ambitious personality. His addition to the team marks a significant turning point in their quest to uncover the secrets of the petrification and the broader world beyond their shores.

Special Episode 2: "Dr. Stone: Prologue to Stone Wars"

This special episode serves as a bridge between Season 1 and Season 2, providing insight into the preparations made by both the Kingdom of Science and Tsukasa's Empire of Might for the upcoming conflict. It explores the development of key inventions and strategies, as well as the characters' evolving motivations and relationships. This episode sets the stage for the intense battles and scientific breakthroughs that define the Stone Wars arc.

Dr. STONE Season 1 Hindi Dubbed Episodes Download 

Link Server 01- Download (mega Drive)
Link Server 02- Download (terabox)

Dr. STONE Season 2 Hindi Dubbed Episodes Download 

Link Server 01- Download (GoFiles)
Link Server 02- Download (terabox)
Link Server 03- Download (mega Drive)

Dr. STONE Season 3  Episodes Download 

Link Server 01- Download (terabox)

Dr.STONE (Special Episode)

Ep 01- Download (terabox)

Ep 02- Download (terabox)

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